By Bjørn Erling Fløtten, Trondheim, Norway. 6 August 2022.
Making an extended bicycle trip home from work I discovered this little snippet of humanity:
"No trespassing" it says. OK, I am used to this when bike exploring. No problem, I can go around instead.
But wait! This looks strange. Why is there a prepared path here?
Turns out this is a bit confusing:
"You may walk on our lawn, along the fence" it says. Thanks! Very considerate!
It feels a bit strange however having to destroy a pretty lawn when there is a nice ashpalted path on the other side.
And the torrential rains two days ago was not very good for the suggested path either, while the asphalt on the other side keeps up quite well.
Passing through, the other side is exactly the same:
Two signs again, one grumpy:
One more caring:
Thanks to "Tungaplatået Vel" for caring, giving me a good laugh and making Trondheim a better place to live!
By Bjørn Erling Fløtten, Trondheim, Norway. 6 August 2022.