Could theoretically be used for administering a Kindergarten with multiple sub-units.
A lot of details have been thought of in the implementation but the example has not been tried out for real as of March 2012.
Entity / Entities
Person / Persons Type
Adult / Adults Type Essential
Child Type Essential
Adults | Has | Adult_roles / Role_child RelationManyReverseAdd
First_name Essential
Last_name Essential
Roles | Has | Role_person RelationManyReverseAdd
Date_of_birth Date
Unit / Units Type
Type_of_unit Essential
Kindergarten, Department, Juridical_organisation
Name Essential
Persons | Has_persons | Role_unit RelationManyReverseAdd
Super_unit | Belongs_to | Organisational_hierarchy RelationOne
Sub_units | Includes | Organisational_hierarchy RelationMany
Mobile_phone SMS ZeroToMany
EMail_address EMail ZeroToMany
Role / Roles
Adult_role / Adult_roles Type
Type_of_adult_role Essential
Leader, Customer, Offered_position, Offered_place, _
Related, Applied_for_position, Applied_for_place, _
Sick_leave, Vacation
Is_about | Role_unit RelationOne Essential
Role_to_children / Roles_to_children Type
Type_role_to_children Essential
Guardian, Mother, Father, Other_relative
Child | Is_about | Adult_roles / Role_child RelationOne Essential
Start Date
End Date
Person | Occupied_by | Role_person RelationOne Essential
Note that in addition to generation of ER-Diagram the panSL Implementation AgoRapide may also be used to also generate database-schema (SQL) and source code for a variety of programming languages, tools and development architectures.
Last updated 2012-05-02